Our Payment Options
Payment Options
The best veterinarian treatment is provided by Peachtree Hills Animal Hospital in a friendly and comfortable setting. We accept a variety of payment methods, including cash, proAct, and all major credit cards. Find out more about the methods of payment we take below.
Payment Options
Here at Peachtree Hills Animal Hospital, we accept many different payment options including all major credit cards, cash, and proAct.
Credit Cards
PHAH PROACT – Helping You Manage Your Billing
We have also had interest in ProACT, our enrollment-based pre-payment management program to enable you to be prepared for any level of care that your pet may need. ProACT provides financial ease, operating like a credit on your savings account.
How it works:
- Clients subscribe, with no enrollment fee
- Enrolled clients prepay nominal installments by automatic debit or credit card, such as $50 monthly and a $3.75 processing fee. Total installment would be $53.75 per month.
- The client’s account is credited, and the money may be used for anything at PHAH, including food and medicine/medical supplies.
- If the pet dies or if the client moves, the client will be refunded a check for the balance, minus $10 processing fee. Or the client may opt to roll it into another pet account.
- The client may enter or exit the program whenever they choose. They will pay a small processing fee.